the SinoTaste group
SinoTaste is a comprehensive food and beverage group serving Greater China. Comprised of three business units, the group employs more than 200 persons and is lead by a multi national, multi-lingual team of business leaders.
SinoHospitality is an award winning restaurant group with
interests in coffee, American, and Chinese restaurants. Backed by a leadership team with over sixty years of industry experience, the business unit is aggressively expanding throughout the Greater China region.
思浓特好客是一家屡获殊荣的餐饮集团, 专注于经营精品咖啡、美式和中式餐厅。多年来, 在北京, 上海和广州市场,思浓特好客斩获了“年度荣誉餐厅”、“最佳新餐厅”、“最佳早午餐”、“最佳美式”和“最佳咖啡馆”等奖项。集团正积极寻求在大中华区和东南亚地区的扩张、管理和特许经营机会。
Marvine international trading
Marvine is a marketing and trade services business unit focusing on the importation, distribution, sales, and marketing of branded fast moving consumer goods products throughout Greater China.
玛尔文是一个提供营销和分销服务的贸易公司, 在整个大中华地区,为快消品牌提供全方位的进口、分销、销售和营销服务。
Sinolytics is an independent Shanghai-based boutique market research firm focused on the fast-moving consumer goods, consumer retail, and hospitality sectors in Mainland China. This business unit provides a select set of China-focused clients with in-depth consumer and industry research.
赛诺析是一家位于上海的市场调研公司, 专注于快消品、零售业和中国内地酒店餐饮业。该业务部门为以中国为目标市场的客户提供深入的消费者和行业研究。